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Trend Tracking: A Strategy for Keeping Members

Why are some members using the club less, while others are using it more? Ask them, after you identify them. By reaching out to these members, you may learn what you can do to keep fewer members from resigning each year.

Steve Graves, a membership marketing specialist speaking at the World Conference of Club Management on member retention, urged clubs to contact those at risk of resigning before they take that step. They may not be complaining about the club or threatening to resign; they might not even realize they have slowly changed their club usage patterns. Members who are negatively trending could be those simply playing golf two times a week instead of the usual three, or dining at the club once a week instead of two or three times.

"If it’s not because of illness or some other reason beyond your control, determine what you can do to increase the member’s participation. Show the member your concern and interest," Graves said. "Ask them how they might be apt to use the club more often. Everyone likes to be recognized and feel important."

Be sure to ask members whose club use is trending positively why they are using the club more. The answers, Graves said, would give the club insight of what it is doing well.

If you would like additional information regarding our ALI (Activity Level Indicator) monthly reports and membership retention, or how to identify your own ‘at risk’ members, please call AJ Redeztke at (800) 526-8794 or by email at At Creative Golf Marketing, our goal has always been to provide the guidance and solutions to reinvigorate, promote and market the private club industry.


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